SIMCOM International Acquires Turbine Solutions, Inc.

SIMCOM International today announced the acquisition of Turbine Solutions, Inc. (“TSI”). TSI is the leading in-aircraft training provider for the Daher TBM series aircraft. SIMCOM Aviation Training is the exclusive Daher authorized simulator based training provider for the Daher TBM program.
“SIMCOM is pleased to announce the acquisition of TSI”, said Eric Hinson, President and CEO of SIMCOM International. “The addition of TSI and their highly experienced flight instructors will significantly increase our capability to deliver high quality training to TBM operators.”
John Warnk, SIMCOM Training Center Manger added, “Existing TSI customers will benefit from new options including simulator based training sessions while SIMCOM customers will benefit from additional in-aircraft training support. The acquisition will allow us to better tailor training to the specific needs of the customer.”
“We are very excited about the future for TSI as a SIMCOM owned company”, said Walt Adair, co-owner and founder of TSI. “SIMCOM is a recognized leader in general aviation training and together we can deliver a more comprehensive training solution to all TBM operators”
Nicolas Chabbert, the Daher Airplane Business Unit’s Senior Vice President and CEO of Daher Aircraft Inc. stated, “The combined resources of SIMCOM and TSI clearly enhance the TBM training offer. We look forward to the benefits this acquisition will bring to the TBM community for the safe and efficient operation of our very fast turboprop aircraft.”
Turbine Solutions will continue to operate from its current location at the Camarillo Airport in Camarillo, California and provide on-site training where requested by the customer.