CALL 866-238-4468 To schedule your training, or for more information


In addition to the wide variety of simulator-based training courses, SIMCOM offers a number of specialty courses designed to enhance your proficiency, allow you to advance to more sophisticated aircraft and equipment or add required certifications for high altitude or multi-crew operations.


SIMCOM Aviation offers initial and recurrent training on the following Avionics Systems: Garmin G600/700 Garmin G1000 and G1000 Nxi Garmin G3000 Honeywell Apex Honeywell ACE Apex Rockwell Collins Pro Line 21 SIMCOM’s Avionics courses provide a comprehensive overview of system architecture and procedures. You will have the opportunity to gain knowledge and proficiency in
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Crew Resource Management

Crew Resource Management
CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AVIATION TRAINING This one day, six hour classroom course is for pilots new to operating airplanes requiring two crew members. How to operate as an effective team as a pilot and copilot in the cockpit is stressed along with the latest in how to share responsibilities during high workload environments. Offered
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High Altitude Endorsement

High Altitude Endorsement
This one-half day, 4-hour combined classroom and simulator course is designed to meet the ground training requirements of FAR 61.31(g). “Additional training required for operating pressurized aircraft capable of operating at high altitudes.” This regulation states, with a few exceptions, that no person may act as pilot in command of a pressurized aircraft (an
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Hypoxia Training – DeSat

Hypoxia Training – DeSat
DeSat Training Program is the world’s most advanced hypoxia training program.  DeSat is individualized slow onset hypoxia training. Schedule your DeSat training in conjunction with your aircraft training program while at SIMCOM.  This training is relative to every division of general and commercial aviation. DeSat Training Program is offered by Southern AeroMedical Institute (SAMI).  SAMI
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Pinch Hitter™

Pinch Hitter™
SIMCOM’s Pinch Hitter™ option, intended for non-flying companions, allows them to attend a select piston or turboprop initial or refresher course with the primary pilot. This gives non-flying companions the ability to learn some basics of aircraft operation in both classroom and simulator environments. Pinch Hitter™ training is available for most of SIMCOM’s piston
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This two hour classroom course results in endorsement and authorization for pilots desiring to operate in RVSM airspace (defined as FLIGHT LEVEL 290-410 inclusive). Offered at Orlando, Florida and Scottsdale, Arizona training center locations
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Turbine Transition

Turbine Transition
For piston pilots desiring to upgrade into a turbine-powered aircraft for the first time, this one day, eight hour course details what is involved in correctly operating and maintaining a turbine engine. Basic turbine engine theory is discussed, along with turbine engine terminology and limitations. Classroom time will total eight hours when this course
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Upset Recovery Training

Upset Recovery Training
Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) is the leading cause of aviation fatalities today. Our goal is to help students understand the causes of Upsets that can lead to LOC-I and to learn to recognize and avoid them and, when necessary, recover from them. SIMCOM Aviation Training has partnered with Patty Wagstaff Aviation Safety, LLC
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